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  • TEC (Thermo Electric Cooler) is a thermoelectric cooler or thermoelectric cooler. It is also called a TEC refrigeration chip because it looks like a chip device. Semiconductor thermoelectric refrigeration technology is an energy conversion technology that uses the Peltier effect of semiconductor materials to achieve refrigeration or heating. It is widely used in optoelectronics, electronics industry, biomedicine, consumer appliances and other fields. The so-called Peltier effect refers to the phenomenon that when a DC current passes through a galvanic couple composed of two semiconductor materials, one end absorbs heat and the other end releases heat at both ends of the galvanic couple.


  • The near-infrared spectrum is mainly generated when the molecular vibration transitions from the ground state to a high energy level due to the non-resonant nature of the molecular vibration. What is recorded is mainly the frequency doubling and combined frequency absorption of the vibration of the hydrogen-containing group X-H (X=C, N, O). . Different groups (such as methyl, methylene, benzene rings, etc.) or the same group have obvious differences in the near-infrared absorption wavelength and intensity in different chemical environments.


  • Polarization extinction ratio and polarization degree are both physical quantities that describe the polarization state of light, but their meanings and application scenarios are different.


  • Welcome to our booth: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14, 123100, EXPOCENTRE Booth FE035


  • Single-mode fiber-coupled laser diode Package type: There are two commonly used packages for this type of semiconductor laser tube, a "butterfly" package, which integrates a TEC temperature-controlled cooler and a thermistor. Single-mode fiber-coupled semiconductor laser tubes can usually reach an output power of several hundred mW to 1.5 W. One type is a "coaxial" package, which is commonly used in laser tubes that do not require TEC temperature control. Coaxial packages also have TEC.


  • In recent years, thulium-doped fiber lasers have attracted more and more attention due to their advantages such as compact structure, good beam quality, and high quantum efficiency. Among them, high-power continuous thulium-doped fiber lasers have important applications in many fields such as medical care, military security, space communications, air pollution detection, and material processing. In the past nearly 20 years, high-power continuous thulium-doped fiber lasers have developed rapidly, and the current maximum output power has reached the kilowatt level. Next, let’s take a look at the power improvement path and development trends of thulium-doped fiber lasers from the aspects of oscillators and amplification systems.


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