The NIR 830 Superluminescent Diodes SLD that operates in a true inherent superluminescent mode. This superluminescent property generates broader band at higher drive currents in contrast to other conventional SLED which are ASE-based, here high drive tends to give narrower band. Its low coherence reduces Rayleigh backscattering noise. Coupled with high power and large spectral width, it offsets photoreceiver noise and improves spatial resolution (in OCT) and measurand sensitivity (in sensors). The SLED is available in 14-pin butterfly package. It is compliance with the requirements of Bellcore Document GR-468-CORE.
The 1310nm 1mW SLED or SLD Superluminescent Light Emitting Diodes is highly qualified SLEDs for a diverse range of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes(FOG) applications. These SLEDs can operate over demanding temperature ranges, increased shock/vibrations levels, and have verified long lifetimes due to their use in defense and space environments.
The 850nm Superluminescent Diodes SLD is a light source for ophthalmic and medical OCT application, fiber transmission systems, fiber optic gyros, fiber optic sensors,optical coherence tomography, optical measurements. The diode is packaged in 14-pin standard butterfly package with monitor photodiode and thermo-electric cooler (TEC). Module is pigtailed with single mode polarization maintaining fiber and connectorized by FC/APC connector.
The 1310nm Superluminescent Diode SLDs SLED is a high-capability,wide spectral range,high stability,low degree of coherence broadband light source.Single-mode or polarization maintaining fiber output,can choose a variety types of connectors or adapters,to facilitate rapid interconnection with external devices,and low loss.Output optical power can be adjusted.
The 850nm 7mW SLEDs SLDs for ophthalmic and medical OCT is a light source for ophthalmic and medical OCT application, fiber transmission systems, fiber optic gyros, fiber optic sensors,optical coherence tomography, optical measurements. The diode is packaged in 14-pin standard butterfly package with monitor photodiode and thermo-electric cooler (TEC). Module is pigtailed with single mode polarization maintaining fiber and connectorized by FC/APC connector.
The 850nm 5mW Fiber Coupled Superluminescent Diode SLDs is a light source for fiber transmission systems, fiber optic gyros, fiber optic sensors,optical coherence tomography, optical measurements. The diode is packaged in 14-pin standard butterfly package with monitor photodiode and thermo-electric cooler (TEC). Module is pigtailed with single mode polarization maintaining fiber and connectorized by FC/APC connector.
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